
Authors By Authors

Authors By Authors Blog:

Beginning May 4th to May 8th, I am going to co-host an Open Discussion Week with Kiki Howell at her Authors By Authors Blog. We hope you'll join us!

Each day we'll post a question or exercise. All you have to do, if you want to participate, is send Kiki your answers (so she can include them in the main post) or comment with your answer on the appropriate day at the blog.

The questions for each day of the week, along with examples of the format in which to put your answers, are below.

We need an answer, author name, and link for each. Feel free to participate in as many as you want!

Questions and my example answers follow:

Monday, May 4

How old would you be if you did not know how old you were?

If I didn't know my age
I wouldn't be a number
I'd slow the pace and savor life
before my final slumber

Jane E Jones


Tuesday May 5

Picture Prompt - Write three sentences that could be used in a first chapter of a story describing this character.

He melted back into the shadows, flinging his half-smoked cigarette away. Sooner or later, she'd have to leave the building. When she did, he'd be waiting.


Wednesday May 6

Who inspires you most to be better than you are?

"The ones who think I'm special right now. They make me want to work hard to prove them right."____________________________________

Thursday May 7

Random Line Generator - Write four steamy sentences where two strangers meet for the first time using all of the following words: chair, willow tree, blatant, and deviation.

The breeze whispered through the leaves of the willow tree and drifted through the open window to stroke her bare skin. He pushed his chair back and grinned at her, his hot gaze sliding over her body in a blatant caress. Deviating from his usual paint 'em and ignore 'em plan, he crooked a finger. "Come sit on my lap...the light's better over here."

Jane E. Jones


Friday May 8

What do you want that you think you cannot have?

The ability to eat 4000 calories a day while never gaining an ounce. Oh yeah!

Jane E. Jones


Kiki's answers:
Monday, May 4

How old would you be if you did not know how old you were?

"Ageless or immortal like the vampires without the whole icky blood drinking thing, unless it came chocolate flavored."

Kiki Howell

Tuesday May 5

Picture Prompt - Write three sentences that could be used in a first chapter of a story describing this character.

“His scanty glare accented the gleam of intolerance in his eyes piercing the ache in her lungs with a subtle wave of heat as she grappled for air. Utterly unyielding in spite of her appeals, Gabe’s brief pull on his cigarette punctuated the urgency of the demands he had barked at her. The obscurity of his true needs she would just have to live with.”

Kiki Howell


Wednesday May 6

Who inspires you most to be better than you are?

"Going to go with those who hug me daily - my husband and my boys. One way my children inspire me is being a constant reminder that my actions will inspire or uninspire them. When I got my first publishing contract, after all of the yelling and crying was over, I thought what a privilege to be an example of how dreams can come true for my children!"

Kiki Howell


Thursday May 7

Random Line Generator - Write four steamy sentences where two strangers meet for the first time using all of the following words: chair, willow tree, blatant, deviation, and a euphemism. Variations or specific examples allowed!

“He knew he would never forget the way she was sitting, one leg thrown over the arm of her chair with fall of the willow tree caressing every soft edge of her curves. The blatant way her eyes deviated from his when she hid the blush of her cheeks behind her book, actually hardened him so that he wanted to impale that which was hidden beneath the bunched up fall of her skirt flowing between her thighs. No, he would never forget this moment. It was already imprinted in his memory as the day he finally spoke to the beautiful stranger he was in love with.”

Kiki Howell


Friday May 8

What do you want that you think you cannot have?

"Alright, I know this could get a little personal, but I try really hard not to think that there is something out there that I can’t have. I work hard to be positive in regards to what is coming, and to be grateful for all I have already been given. That said, those nagging thoughts creep up on me when I am sitting unaware to whisper words like "you are not good enough to achieve those lofty dreams of yours." Do not know why I was cursed with a poetic voice of negativity. She there he goes again changing the word negativity to truth."

Kiki Howell


Also, Kiki is looking for sign-ups for the summer months if there are any author pairs out their who wish to promo then. You can email Kiki if you don't have a partner again, and she will try to match you up.

Email request to howell.kiki@gmail.com with author pair names, emails to send invitation to and dates requesting. If you are unfamiliar with the blog go to http://authorsbyauthors.blogspot.com to read current posts. On the sidebar under Authors Wanted is the link to the original post on how the blog works.

Thanks, everyone!

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  1. This is great, Jane!!! I have to mark it down I dfinitely want to give it a shot.

  2. Fantastic, Barbara!
    I will see you there:)
    If you know anyone else who might be interested, send them over here to read the post :)

  3. No problem, I'll be doing a post tomorrow!! Hope all is well, Jane! ((hugs))

  4. Everything is wonderful, Barbara, thanks. I just subbed a full length to Loose Id, and am keeping my fingers crossed that they'll accept it. How is everything with you?:)

  5. Oh, and thanks for posting tomorrow! :)
    Hugs to you!

  6. Everything is good! BTW, I finally bought the prgram to make the layouts, lol. I'll be seeing you at the exersize! Looks really fun.
